Album cover finder. Bliss is an album cover finder that is simple, fast and accurate. Bliss finds and installs album art automatically, according to your rules. You can define minimum and maximum sizes, whether or not the artwork is embedded in the music files, and more options. High Quality Album Artwork / CD Artwork. Ridiculously obsessive. Dedicated to collecting and sharing meticulously scanned and edited album cover art, for those of us who are ridiculously obsessive about such things.
Download and add album art to MP3. ITunes can be a cover art downloader. Now, you can download missing album art with iTunes and add it to your song. Open iTunes on your Mac/PC. Click 'File' 'Library' 'Get Album Artwork' to search missing album art. Yes, it is done. Smart Automatic Cover Art Downloader. SACAD is a multi platform command line tool to download album covers without manual intervention, ideal for integration in scripts, audio players, etc. Since version 1.6, SACAD also provides a new command line tool, sacadr, to scan a music library, read metadata from audio tags, and download missing covers.
Find album art
bliss is an album art finder that is simple, fast and accurate. bliss finds and installs album art automatically. bliss is fully automated and can even add album art to your music in the background, as you add the music to your collection. bliss uses both reputable and expansive sources for its album art.
Album Cover Art Downloader Mac Free
Best Free Album Art Finder
Resize album art
Different music players make different demands on your music collection. Some require album art smaller than a certain resolution. Some require art smaller than a certain data size. With bliss, you can define a rule to shrink any art over a certain size, or only find art that is larger than your stated resolution.
Embed album art
Album Cover Art Downloader Mac Os
Some music players demand you embed art into music files. Furthermore, embedded art makes your music collection more flexible because it's easy to transfer music files with the album art already embedded. bliss performs the embedding automatically, and can even embed your existing, separate art files such as cover.jpg or folder.jpg.